此影片為 CITIZEN 在 2009 BASELWORLD 這個全世界最大的手錶及珠寶展(位於瑞士 BASEL,2009年展期是3月26日至4月2日)所呈現之品牌影片,我站在 CITIZEN 的展間外頭看了這部影片好幾次,CITIZEN 與 WOW結合影像及動畫,藉由東京持續的改變與能量去詮釋 CITIZEN 近幾年推出的 Eco- Drive (光動能手錶)之無限可能,短片提醒著人們,其所深處東京日復一日的運作是何等龐大的動能體哪!片頭無數個小塊體結合成一棟棟的商業大樓,都市的車流不斷 竄動,夜色低垂,大樓各樓層亮了又滅,隱藏著千千萬萬人建構於都市硬體而交織的生命起起伏伏,竟是如此躍動誘人。
ス イスで開催される [BASELWORLD 2009] でシチズンブースのメイン映像として製作した作品,表現テーマはECO DRIVEの無限性。東京という都市が持つ変化し続けるパワーを、ECO DRIVEが持つ無限性と重ね合わせ、エネルギーの蓄積と放出というアクションを東京 という都市を使ってダイナミックに表現した。
BASELWORLD 2009, the world's biggest and most essential event for the watch and jewelry industry, is being held from March 26 to April 2. 2009 in Basel, Switzerland.
WOW provided the main movie to enhance Citizen's booth at the week long event. The theme of the movie is infinite possibilities for Eco- Drive, Citizen's new model in its range. We cohesively combined images and meanings of constant change and energy in Tokyo with the infinite possibilities of Eco- Drive. We hoped to express how the enormous energy of Tokyo dynamically circulates.
produced by WOW
music by Masato Hatanaka
ス イスで開催される [BASELWORLD 2009] でシチズンブースのメイン映像として製作した作品,表現テーマはECO DRIVEの無限性。東京という都市が持つ変化し続けるパワーを、ECO DRIVEが持つ無限性と重ね合わせ、エネルギーの蓄積と放出というアクションを東京 という都市を使ってダイナミックに表現した。
BASELWORLD 2009, the world's biggest and most essential event for the watch and jewelry industry, is being held from March 26 to April 2. 2009 in Basel, Switzerland.
WOW provided the main movie to enhance Citizen's booth at the week long event. The theme of the movie is infinite possibilities for Eco- Drive, Citizen's new model in its range. We cohesively combined images and meanings of constant change and energy in Tokyo with the infinite possibilities of Eco- Drive. We hoped to express how the enormous energy of Tokyo dynamically circulates.
produced by WOW
music by Masato Hatanaka